in your
photo of me

Hello! My name is Klim Kostyuk, and this is a webpage of my musical project flowers in your eyes.

It started as my solo venture in Moscow back in 2019, exploring the dreamy realms of bedroom pop. The first album "nega" (bliss) was all about lo-fi vibes, influenced by high school crushes, and flavored with the sounds of kids' synthesizers like the Yamaha PSS-30.

In 2020, the EP "вечеринка" (party) was released, bringing in more sunny, dream pop melodies and playful guitar tunes.

"заплакать и уснуть" (cry yourself to sleep) dropped just before 2021, deepening our dive into lo-fi dream pop and shoegaze, with collabs with Ukrainian shoegaze band corn wave, rap star мс улыбочка, and tracks like "увидел тебя" (saw you) mixing breakbeat loops with dreamy guitar riffs.

By 2022, the album "проснуться и улыбнуться" (wake up and smile) took on a playful and happy vibe, inspired by nighttime forest wanderings with friends. It embraced psychedelic pop with tracks like "летние деньки" (summer days), "пружинистое чувство" (springy feeling), and "объятия в метро" (subway hugs).

In 2024, after moving to Tbilisi, we shifted gears, becoming a duo with drummer Anton Gremyakov and moving towards a heavier shoegaze/grungegaze sound, now incorporating English lyrics. Our singles and upcoming album "исчезнуть и забыться" (disappear and forget/be forgotten) mark this new phase.

Through my musical journey, flowers in your eyes stays true to the heart of shoegaze, creating tunes that are lo-fiish, warm, and filled with a hint of romance 🌸